Abstract: Wireless sensor networks provide a significant contribution to the emerging field such as ubiquitous computing and ambient intelligence. Due to the inherent property of WSN, it is most vulnerable for reliability. In literature, most of the authors concern about network longevity and ignore fault tolerance. In this dissertation, we present an energy-efficient fault tolerable routing protocol (EEFT) mechanism for WSN. The major novelty of this work is that sensor nodes can send their data to alternate path during a fault. The energy efficient can be achieves using clustering protocol for routing. The subordinate for each cluster help to tolerate faults occurred in the proximity. The cluster head nodes in proximity propagate aggregated data to base station. The simulation results show that the proposed approach yields better performance than the existing methods. It has observed that the proposed protocol EEFT has better energy utilization than existing EE-LEACH and FTREEP protocols. The EEFT protocol also has better packet delivery ratio than FTEERP; it increased up to 53.60%.
Keywords: Energy efficiency; wireless sensor network; cluster head selection; fault tolerance.